Sunday, June 10, 2012

What to Expect When You’re Expecting the Conversation About Expecting…

Someone once told me that there’s no “right time” for a baby. There’s no “readiness” for a child. You just adapt. I guess I can see both sides, but personally I see it differently. To me there are two choices, you either consent to having a child, embracing the possibility, or you take the proper precautionary measures to keep “single” life alive and kicking.

Years ago my husband and I made the agreement: kids when we’re 30-ish.  And then a couple years later we thought, “okay we can stop being ‘cautious’ when we’re 28.” But then this year, all of the sudden, it hit me that age 28 wasn’t so very far away anymore. I’ll admit I had moments for the past two years where my body was begging for babies but I’d always seemed to skirt around them. The puppy purchase certainly helped.

Occasionally when I’m acting too baby crazy, my husband tells me to yell at my hormones and ask them to leave us both alone, but he scared the shit out of me at the beginning of this year when he told me he was actually okay with the idea of us having a baby.

I’d recently given up on the whole, planning of a life thing. Five year plans turn into 12 year plans and you’re almost never where you thought you’d be…ever. Sometimes you just go with the flow and adapt. You make the decision to let life happen instead of waiting for it to knock on your door and ask for an invitation in.

And thus the “expecting” conversation happened. All of the sudden we just weren’t afraid or feeling cautious. I think it came with the new security we’d found with stable jobs, real paychecks and new responsibilities and capabilities.

I’m not one of those women who can strategically plan to conceive. I feel that takes all the fun out of it. It makes the whole thing a chore, instead of something made out of love. I can’t even keep track of my cycle, let alone the other things around it so we agreed: we aren’t “trying” we’re just not trying to not try.

Don’t get excited people. Us Chriss’ believe in things happening as they should. After many mistakes and miscalculations, we like to make sure we aren’t in over our heads. We like to be pretty darn sure of things. Our engagement, wedding, and move to Florida all happened out of our sureness, not out of a fleeting idea.

We have almost been married three years and are still on our honeymoon. We barely fight anymore. Where we once had to fight out of frustration with every other person but each other, now we usually have a good row now and then just to keep with the spice of life, but our fights are miniscule compared to pre-married life. We grow, we work and we live out of love, and so will each step forward.

You may be reading this thinking, “Oh wow, so they’re like trying to have a baby,” but life is never that simple. Seeing as how you can’t force something to happen and you’re never really ready, I think it’s safer to just say…”It’s all happening.” And it’s happening at its’ own pace. We are ready but we’re not rushing. It’ll happen when it happens. And then another blog entry will appear about “The Happening!”

Haircut PTSD Lessened By Stranger Things

My daughter's first haircut was unfortunately out of desperate necessity after the car accident four years ago. My daughter has gorgeous...