Sunday, September 16, 2012

Parental Control!

One of my all time favorite Keanu Reeves characters was his supporting role in the film “Parenthood,” which has an all star cast and definitely covers some of the craziness of parenting, but also contains my favorite quote: “ Ya know, they make you get a license to drive a car, to catch a fish, hell they’ll even make you get a license to buy a dog…but they’ll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father…”

Luckily, the man in my life is ANYTHING but a butt-reaming asshole, but we certainly don’t want to be complete fuck ups in our role as parents. As if the whole pregnancy thing isn’t strange and terrifying as it is, next you’ve got parents asking you all about your plans for bringing up baby.

I was just hoping to read some baby books, maybe get some DVDs, get through the actual labor and then step into mom-hood. But now I have people asking if I’ve started interviewing pediatricians!? I realize we have control here but seriously? Wow…

Perhaps I’ve underestimated the greatness of the whole baby thing, but what about who WE are as prospective parents? My husband and I are pretty laid back. We’re healthy people who love our food, wine and spirits. We love our relaxation, our work and our play. And we love that we’re having this baby.

Sure we’ll take the baby in for check-up, to get shots and all the normal baby stuff, but we’re not research and interview pediatrician people. We’re barely long term planners! How about referral? How about it depends on the level of healthcare we have for baby at that time. How about we need to set up the nursery? How about we can’t afford to freak about these things!?

Time is already flying, as it does, and as the hormones go wild I continue to have overwhelming moments of “this is a life changing thing,” realization, shouldn’t we just be allowed to be? One of my last blogs I wrote about enjoying the journey. Will society allow us to do that?

If I could tune out the clatter, I would. TRUST ME. I enjoy the excitement part, it’s just the questions, and then the “have you’s?,” implying that you haven’t done enough yet. It is my personal opinion that you can have too much information. I’m enough of a worrier. I’m trying to take the whole pregnancy and parenting thing one step at a time. I’m trying to keep calm and carry on.

As hormones and emotions run high, I have to wonder why people keep pressing me!? Am I overly sensitive or are people just insensitive assholes? I think it may be a combination of the two. Can’t I just try the instinctual motherly thing to get me by? I’ve always promised myself I would try with every fiber of my being to be a good mother. Here I am, facing the challenge, with an amazing man by my side, and I just want to live day by day. One day at a time.

Why obsess over the little things we can’t control when we’ll have the ultimate parental control? This amazing little being will come into our lives and change everything in the best way ever and you want us to obsess about laundry detergents, preschool, pediatricians, what brand of food, and formula? No thank you. I just want to be with my man, my baby and my dog. I just want us to be a family.

Sure, some families aren’t always perfect and some guys won’t be good fathers as some women will be wretched mothers but in this realm of parental control, I’m just glad I have a front row seat. We’ll learn as we go. We’ll all learn as we all grow. So why get all controlling and overly cautious when you can just enjoy the ride and the journey. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. This is us, and we’ve come a long way. Nothing will get in the way now. If you want to share a great family story, please do. If you want to tell me how to be a parent, please don’t. My hormonal side is growing less and less patient. And in these last few months, I tend to grasp every single amazing moment I can.

Haircut PTSD Lessened By Stranger Things

My daughter's first haircut was unfortunately out of desperate necessity after the car accident four years ago. My daughter has gorgeous...